Children Miracle Net. Telethon

Geisinger Foundation 100 Academy Avenue Danville, PA 17822-4000

(570) 271-6188

Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Children's Miracle Network at Geisinger raises funds to provide equipment, programs and services for children at Geisinger Janet Weis Children's Hospital® in Danville, as well as pediatric services throughout the Geisinger Health System. Recent items funded by Children's Miracle Network at Geisinger include: Cardiovascular ultrasound equipment New ventilators in our neonatal intensive care units Language interpretation equipment Drug and alcohol education programs in the area How you can help There are many ways you can put your money where the miracles are. Here are a few: -Make a donation online or send a donation form -Honor someone special with a tribute gift -Discuss local corporate sponsorship at your business in State College or Danville/Wilkes-Barre. -Leave a lasting legacy by making a planned gift -Volunteer for events in your area by calling 800-322-5437 -Attend one of our fundraising events -Coordinate fundraising events at school or in your community group or at work -Distribute Children's Miracle Network materials in your area For more information call the Children's Miracle Network office in Danville at 570-271-6188 or 800-322-KIDS or in State College at 814-943-8887 or 800-451-KIDS, or send us an e-mail at Thank you for your support!

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