516 Fig St Scranton, PA 18505Phone
(570) 207-2283Hours
Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Mon. through Fri.Contact
Hispanic Outreach: Sr. Dora Vizcarra Refugee resettlement: Sonya Sarner Other contact: Stephanie MillerDescription
DESCRIPTION: Catholic Social Services is a multi-service agency, serving all in a professional, caring and trusting environment. Our goal is to help people help themselves. We provide 30 distinct and unique services. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The volunteers can best be utilized by Residential Programs, and Hispanic Outreach Services on a year round basis. Volunteers can help collect presents for the Homeless for Christmas or help to serve a meal on holidays, etc. Public Relations Students are needed to assist with the Agency Newsletter. Translators/interpreters in various languages are always in need. St. Anthony's Shelter for the homeless is located on Olive St. between Wyoming and N. Washington Aves. Volunteers must be 21 years old or older. Younger volunteers could do group projects to benefit the homeless. Call Mr. Jerry Hallinan at 342-1295 ext 203 for more information or to schedule a visit. TIME COMMITMENT: Short periods of time. VOLUNTEER TRAINING: Volunteers are trained on an "as needed" basis according to the programs.E-Mail Catholic Social Services
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