401 Penn Ave. Scranton, PA 18503-1213Phone
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Contact
Volunteer Coordinator : Janice McAllisterDescription
DESCRIPTION: The Gino Merli Veterans' Center, located in downtown Scranton, is a 200 bed facility, primarily concerned with veterans who are in need of nursing home care. While residents and staff members at each Veterans Home work together to build a strong network of care and support, we rely on our dedicated volunteers to help maintain the positive, supportive and very patriotic atmosphere we have created. We work with all kinds of volunteers – from students to retirees to veteran service organizations – who help to organize outings and activities, or just spend an afternoon hanging out with our residents. In addition to day-to-day activities and functions, volunteers also contribute their spare time to participate in special events with our residents such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day celebrations. Valid clearances are required. Gino J. Merli Veterans Center, Scranton (Lackawanna County), 570-961-4380 *Walking distance from the University of Scranton.E-Mail Gino Merli Veterans' Center
Link to Gino Merli Veterans' Center