2309 Stafford Avenue Scranton, PA 18505Phone
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.Contact
Activity Director: Patricia Capwell (if not in office ask operator to connect you to her cell phone.)Description
AGENCY/ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION: Mountain View Care Center is a non-profit 180 bed skilled nursing facility, specializing in long term care and rehabilitative services. STUDENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: One-one Friendly Visitor, Shopping Assistance, Activity Aid for games, socials picnics and lunch outings, Reading and letter writing, music programs. FACULTY/STAFF VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Conducting educational programs or lectures on topic of interest to residents, ie: health concerns (diabetes, cataracts, etc.) leisure activities (bird watching-music). TIME COMMITMENT: Preferably 8 hours per month. Will work with students to accommodate class schedules and employment commitments. VOLUNTEER TRAINING/AGENCY ORIENTATION AVAILABLE? 4 hour facility orientation through MVCC staff development department. Volunteer training with Activities Director.E-Mail Mountain View Care Center
Link to Mountain View Care Center