420 N. Washington Avenue Scranton, PA 18503Phone
346-7369 x108Hours
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:30 pmContact
DESCRIPTION: A non-profit cultural center for the community which provides the citizens of Northeastern Pennsylvania and our visitors with quality arts, events and experiences from performances to exhibits, classes to productions and special events. STUDENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Internships in Marketing Business or theatre interest. Ushers and concessions, tour giudes, misc. clerical work, research projects, surveys, and special events. Also elevator operator and coat check. FACULTY/STAFF VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Theater ushers and concessions, various committees, instructions for classes, leading focus groups, and tour guides. TIME COMMITMENT: Dependent on volunteer's schedule. Every effort will be made to be flexible according to the volunteer's availability. *Within walking distance from the University of Scranton also on Smart Ride route. VOLUNTEER TRAINING: minimal training for ushers; self-study guide for tour guides. Web address: www.scrantonculturalcenter.orgE-Mail Scranton Cultural Center/Masonic Temple
Link to Scranton Cultural Center/Masonic Temple