846 Jefferson Ave Scranton PA 18510Phone
Joan Peterson, Executive Director.Description
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lackawanna County is an organization of trained adult volunteers that advocate for children in the foster care and child welfare system. We fight for their rights and needs until they are in a safe, loving, permanent home. A CASA volunteer is very often the only person a child has been able to rely upon in their entire lives. It’s that simple—a qualified, caring adult can change everything. It’s also incredibly effective. When a child has access to a CASA volunteer, they are half as likely to languish in the foster care and child welfare system, and that much more likely to find a safe loving home. Volunteer Opportunities for Students: CASA Volunteer Advocates Social Media and Event volunteers Volunteer Opportunities for Staff & Faculty: CASA Volunteer Advocates Social Media and Event volunteers Time Commitment: 10 hours/month ongoing Clearances are Required. Child Abuse, FBI, State police, driver’s check (can be paid for by the agency if necessary)E-Mail CASA of Lackawanna County
Link to CASA of Lackawanna County