Republican Party of Lackawanna County

101 Pittston Ave Suite 5 Scranton PA 18505




The Republican Party of Lackawanna County is the official organization representing the registered Republicans of Lackawanna County. We strive to maintain a robust Republican organization that will serve Republican Candidates, Republican Elected Officials, and our Republican Committee. We also seek to provide the best possible environment for fellow Republicans to gain valuable political exposure and recognition, to train members as political volunteers at every level of the political spectrum, and provide practical means by which members may contribute in the development and betterment of the Republican Party. We do this as a service to the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and its political subdivisions. Your County Party is committed to support the principles, objectives, and platform of the Republican Party and to work for the election of our duly nominated Republican Candidates. Volunteers can help by: Attending Fundraising Events Attending Political Meetings Displaying Yard Sign Going Door to Door Making Phone Calls Using Social Media, Like Twitter and Facebook, to Share Information Working the Polls Writing Lawmakers WritingLetters to the Editor Circulating a Petition

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Link to Republican Party of Lackawanna County