1735 N Main Ave Scranton PA 18508Phone
Mike HauserDescription
Here For a Reason believes that every person has something to give. Every person has unique abilities and skills that allow them to address challenges in a personal and creative way. Lasting change happens when the community comes together, each using the gifts they've been given to work towards a common goal. Right now, Here For A Reason is seeking to address the issue of food insecurity in Northeastern Pennsylvania. We believe that by joining together, we can address the need for food that is so prevalent within the city of Scranton and the surrounding areas.We believe we are truly Here for a Reason. If you would like to be part of the change that this area needs then let us know. You're part in this movement begins with a conversation about who you are, what you love, and how we can work together. If that sounds good to you then let’s talk!. You have something to offer! Is there something you’re passionate about? Maybe a hobby or a dream that you’ve wanted to pursue. Let’s talk about how you can use that to make a difference in someone’s life! You can be involved in changing people’s lives and reshaping this community for the better.