8 West Olive St. Scranton, PA 18508Phone
(570) 871-4795Hours
8:00am-7:30 Thursday-Monday 8:00am-4:30pm Tuesday-WednesdayContact
Volunteer Director: Kathy Regan Administrative Assistant: Sue YurkaninDescription
We provide meal, clothing, non-perishable food, hygiene products, and the Gospel to those in need and who are hurting in NEPA. Thank you for your interest in volunteering. You can choose to serve in our Scranton location where we always need help to clean and sort donations of clothes, sort and stock our storage room, clean up around the facilities, and to serve our guests. If you are interested in volunteering in Wilkes-Barre, we consistently need help with distributions and help for special events. Another need for BOTH locations is to serving at Message and a Meal. Individuals and organizations provide a hot meal for Message and a Meal and help to build a community of hope for the homeless and near-homeless men, women and children in northeast PA. If you or your organization are interested in volunteering please call us at 570-871-4795. You may also download the Volunteer Application and return it to Kathy Regan. Training is provided on the job.E-Mail Keystone Mission Alliance
Link to Keystone Mission Alliance