2 Eckley Main Street Weatherly, PA 18255Phone
(570) 636-2070Hours
Monday-Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm; Sunday 12:00-5:00pmContact
Nicole NegronDescription
Eckley Miners' Village is a surviving, living example of the hundreds of company-owned anthracite mining communities that thrived in the 19th and 20th centuries in NEPA. The Village preserves and interprets everyday life in a culturally, ethnically, and economically diverse mining community through research; maintenance of historic structures and the town plan; artifact collections management, care, acquisition, and exhibition; and presentation of interpretive, educational programs appealing to a broad audience. Volunteer Opportunities: Reenactors, preservation, beautification, tour guides, volunteer coordinator, and gardening. Staff and faculty can also do sales and marketing. Training for members of the preservation team on how to properly handle artifacts and exhibits. Training seminar for tour guides. May require criminal record check in the future.Link to Eckley Miners' Village