P O Box 121 Harford PA 18823Phone
Jacob Rosen - Exec. Director Arnold Prehn - Volunteer Director Julie Judge - Other contactDescription
a full power radio station with programming dedicated to social and economic justice, featuring ideas and information overlooked by mainstream media, and serving the interests and needs of working people in our community. Agency Description: A non-profit Pennsylvania corporation with tax exempt 501(c)(3) status, completely staffed by volunteers. Student Volunteer Opportunities: All aspects of radio production, including studio, remote and on-air work. Event planning and production. Grant writing. Sales. Research. Reporting. Script writing. Maintenance of website, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Time Commitment: Flexible, but every volunteer must have the same responsibility to his/her commitment as he or she would to a regular job. Volunteer training and orientation: Volunteers work with, and under the direct supervision of, the station manager and chief executive officer. Personalized training in whatever skills are required is organized by them.