1328 Myrtle St Scranton Pa 18510Phone
Betty or Tom MorekenDescription
The Tour de Scranton Bike-a-thon is an annual non-competitive bike ride for riders of every age and skill level. Join students, family, and friends in this exciting ride through scenic Lackawanna County and raise money that will go directly to helping young people obtain treatment for their drug and alcohol addictions. The Bike-a-thon will not only provide a fun and healthy day out for all participants, but will also benefit an extremely good cause, the Erin Jessica Moreken Drug and Alcohol Treatment Fund. You can help by securing pledges for your ride. A pledge sheet is provided for your convenience. Pledges should be turned in by April 20th. Riders who bring in $50 or more in pledges are eligible to win a bicycle, which will be awarded at the conclusion of the ride. Designed with a selection of routes and distances catering to both the novice and experienced rider, anybody can bring their bicycle and join in the fun. The Bike-a-thon will be monitored from start to finish by adult volunteers and cyclists at regular check points. It is a safe and enjoyable way to have fun and raise the much needed funding to help young people find treatment for their drug and alcohol addiction. Event is held from Scranton High School