419 Prescott Ave Scranton PA 18510Phone
(570) 558-0243Hours
9am - 12pm Monday - ThursdayContact
Julie Cohen - Director of the Office of Community Relations, U of S julie.cohen@scranton.eduDescription
Volunteers will gain firsthand experience working at the neighborhood, grassroots level and have opportunities to apply marketing, public relations, community development and general word processing/office skills to real community issues. Students performing volunteer service in Scranton’s Hill Section fulfill one requirement for the Peter Cheung Scholarship (interested students should contact the Financial Aid Office for more details and other eligibility criteria). Duties and Responsibilities for HNA Volunteers: Help create new template for bi-monthly newsletter, Assist with transferring hard-copy membership information to computer records, and other duties as assigned. Interested volunteers should send an email to Julie Cohen, Director of the Office of Community Relations, at Julie will be the University contact for this volunteer assignment and Andrew Mackie, President of the HNA, will be the HNA contact. Please include in the email why you are interested, your major, and any experience you have in office work, community development, non-profits, etc.E-Mail Hill Neighborhood Association
Link to Hill Neighborhood Association