321 Bedford St Clarks Summit PA 18411Phone
5705869656 fax 5876003Hours
24/7 100% volunteerContact
The Clarks Summit Fire Company No. 1, Inc. is a foremost emergency services organization serving the needs of the boroughs of Clarks Summit and Clarks Green, and parts of the townships of Glenburn, Abington, and South Abington. We are approximately 9 miles west of Scranton and will provide rides. Members are needed not only for firefighting, emergency medical services, and fire police but also for "administrative" duties and socialization. Administrative duties include attending, monthly meeting(s), signing-up for a committee relevant to your skills or interests, or simply assisting with cleaning and maintaining the fire/EMS apparatus and equipment, housekeeping, groundskeeping, and building maintenance, and fundraising, e.g., working with us at our monthly breakfast and other activities. CSFC is 100% volunteer and especially need emergency responders (firefighters & EMTs) for Friday evenings/nights, Saturday days, and Sunday days. Scheduling and volunteering are at your convenience depending upon your school schedule and workload. No previous training is required; we will train you, however, EMS personnel must have entry level certification in First Aid and CPR. Valid clearances required. Previous experience is welcome but not required.E-Mail Clarks Summit Fire Company #1 Inc
Link to Clarks Summit Fire Company #1 Inc