601 Jefferson Avenue Scranton, PA 18510Phone
346-6595; fax 346-6147Hours
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pm Sunday & FridayContact
DESCRIPTION: JCC is a non-profit, social service agency serving Lackawanna County by providing social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities for the community regardless of religion, race, or creed, through its licensed Day Care, developmentally appropriate Pre-School, and FAMILY PLACE parenting classes. (Summer Camp both in the building and at the 101 acre Daleville campsite). ADULT SERVICES VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Adult Senior Center. Help with lunches M-W-F, 11am-1pm, Dinners every Tuesday evening as scheduled. Annual fundraising event helping with mailings and other related duties as your scheudule allows. STUDENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Volunteers are welcomed in all phases of early childhood and camp. Tender loving care and a knowledge of child development are the main requirements for workers in Day Care and other early childhood programs; specific skills in sports, arts or music are needed for camp. FACULTY/STAFF VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Unit supervisors, counselors and specialists are needed for camp, while group facilitators can be used in FAMILY PLACE groups. Aids are needed in day care and pre-school. TIME COMMITMENT: Varies. VOLUNTEER TRAINING/AGENCY ORIENTATION: There is in-house training and orientation provided by agency. *Within walking distance from the University of Scranton.E-Mail Jewish Community Center
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