825 Jefferson Avenue Scranton, PA 18503Phone
558-3220; 342-7762 officeHours
Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, and Fri - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Tues - 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sat - 11:00 AM to 5:00 PMContact
Recovery Center Coordinator: Carl Moiser Executive Director: Alex J. Hazzouri Co-Manager of Community Services: Katie Connolly Co-Manager of Community Services: Lisa AnnacartoDescription
DESCRIPTION: Agency dedicated to promoting mental well-being, preventing mental illness and advocating for the rights of and providing services to persons who are mentally ill and persons who are mentally retarded. In addition to child and adult advocacy, we provide financial management, community education, consumer satisfaction and independent monitoring teams, and social rehabilitation. We also facilitate Health Care Quality Units which monitor the overall health status of individuals with mental retardation receiving services. STUDENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Friendship "7" Social Club offers a safe, supportive environment for persons in the community with mental illness or emotional problems to come together, socialize and enjoy programs and activities every weekday and scheduled evenings. The Doorway is a consumer driven drop-in center that allows individuals to gather in an atmosphere of acceptance and mutual support. Planned activities, coordinated by the consumers, are both social and educational. If you have an interest in mental illness, mental retardation, art therapy, recreation or computer programs, contact us. FACULTY/STAFF VOLUNTEERS: Speakers bureau; computer training for consumers currently involved in vocational/educational pursuits. TIME COMMITMENT: Flexible. Basic orientation to agency functions, mission statement, ethics and on-site training at the Doorway. *Walking distance from the University of Scranton.E-Mail Advocacy Alliance - The Recovery Center
Link to Advocacy Alliance - The Recovery Center