Outreach Center for Community Resources 431 North 7th Avenue Scranton, PA 18503Phone
Varies according to programContact
Exec. Director- Linda Champi Director of Volunteers- Lisa Brister Parent/Child Program- Carlene NicholasDescription
Tutoring Program- A Community based mentoring program in low income neighborhood. Tuesdays from 2:30 - 3:30 (tutoring) 3:30-5:00 (mentoring) at Skyview Park Apartments in Scranton (about 4 miles from campus) Contact person: Elaine Donly 570-348-6493 ext14 *Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP, Visiting Spanish speaking enrolled in a research based early literacy program with preschool age children in their homes with books and toys. 2 visits per week of 30 minutes to 45 minutes (with an EOTC employee). A training session is need before starting - clearances required. Knowldedge of Spanish not necessary. *WITT - Women in Transition Together. Weekly visit women up for reentry into society at the Lackawanna County Prison. A year commitment is needed. *Educational Mentoring Initiatives: mentoring/tutoring in 6th grade identified by teachers as having some difficulty. Mentors meet with children weekly and a year commitment is needed.E-Mail Outreach Center for Community Resources
Link to Outreach Center for Community Resources