115 Meadow Avenue Scranton, PA 18505Phone
Hours: Variable depending on service Admin. Business hrs. are M-F 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.Contact
Director of Recreation: Mari Pizur (207-0825)Description
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes. Throughout the year, The Arc offers a variety of recreational opportunities. Every effort is made to meet the needs of our participants by offering a diverse selection of both community and facility based activities. We strive to make inclusive options available which lead our consumers to independent leisure skills development. Regularly scheduled leisure choices are offered each week throughout the year. Programs are varied and include dinners, dances, swimming, bingo, arts/crafts, special events and much more. Our Fun and Friendship Bowling League meets on Tuesday and Friday evenings. There is a summer camp offered to children beginning in July. STUDENT/FACULTY/STAFF VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Volunteers are welcomed in all services, especially recreational opportunities. Thursday evenings recreation programs for people with intellectual and developmental delays. TIME COMMITMENT: Time commitment is flexible depending upon volunteer schedule, usually 3 hours. The Arc will provide training/orientation necessary to ensure a successful experience. Valid clearances are required.